
Posted on 7:22 PM by
Model one of the Haqqislam starter box is almost finished. I was really worried about doing these but this one has worked out quite well so far. The sword still needs work, but the bulk of the model has been sorted. 

Putting these models together I decided to keep the base separate and once I was happy wanted to move the model over to the new base. Obviously it would have made more sense to paint up the base first and then move it over but in this case the Janissary has a chunk of base rock on his model. As such I figured I'd move it over. Unhappy, when I clipped the metal at the base it strained the model slightly and chiped paint off in fleck on one of the legs! I guess I should have got all the clipping out of the way first but for the time being I'll be painting with the base already on.

One good thing about it is that I get to use liquid green stuff to tackle the seem where the model and the base join! So far it has been good although does take some few layers to build up as, as many have pointed out, it contracts when it dries (after about 30 minutes).

Goal is to have this guy finished up before the end of the day and to start into the next one for next weekend.


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