Micro Art Studio Garage - In progress 2

Posted on 10:13 PM by

Slow progress but progress nonetheless. Learning from my previous mistakes I went for a really tight fight this time around and it worked well. Before fitting each piece I trimmed the joint to let the join go easier. Even then I really needed to push the sections together hard. There definitely was a risk of it breaking and snapping but I tried to be careful and keep the force applied straight on rather than at an angle which would snap.
Tiny gab for this join

Nice and tight

Unlike the previous L shaped building which had a long section, this building has two square sections. Adding the base in was a bit tricky in parts and I did have to settle some parts out. For a while I had a cup of coffee sitting in the square to let it settle down. Might justify some white glue at some point.

The two squares side by side

The speckle is messy but works
Another good view of the corner

Next up the two sides needed to be connected. This one seemed simple enough but turned out to be a little tricky. Getting the joining parts into one of the squares was easy enough. A little painful in places as I had to push the piece in hard and the other side was kinda spikey. Pushing the second section in was the tricky part, as the garage front doors are giant unsupporting spaces which leave tiny struts to bend and snap once pressure was applied to them. 

All connected

See the nice join

Added in some of the Spartan games scenery

All and all it's coming along nicely. I have lots more pieces that are still in the wood stage (see to the left of the last picture) and need to be varnished, undercoated, and layered with. I suspect this week will be slow going again, but I'll post an update for next week one way or another.


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