RPG Musings

Posted on 8:46 PM by

A slight tangent from the standard.

With the talk of an upcoming new edition for Dungeons and Dragons I've been looking through my collection and considering what makes a good RPG and what exactly would I like to see in an RPG (not just DnD).
So, lets look at some considerations...

  • I love the WOD systems flexible STAT + SKILL system which is so very flexible. We've played this for yoinks and while lots of elements of the system drives us nuts it covers everything we need. So I'm looking for a strong skill system which historically has not been a feature of DnD. I also like WODs grading system ie. 1 = poor 5 = exceptional, even if that didn't always properly translate into mechanics.
  • I love 4eds studied and considered mathematical balancing that empowers the GM to put the elements of an encounter together and know how challenging it is. It makes preparation for the GM as easy as possible and that means games happen! Personally I have less and less time available as I get older and the same goes for my buddies, for a game to run someone has to take time out so keeping prep easy is crucial. It also lets the GM focus on the story.
  • I like Fate's curve, DnD's straight D20 roll is a classic but makes for some pretty random stuff. Now I've never played Fate so I dunno how it plays out in actual game but the narrowness of randomness and bellcurvey probability feels right to me as how things should work.
  • A solid combat system that feels like it has options; Melee or Ranged? Dagger or Sword? Meaningful options that aren't just the best option all the time.
Might be worth my while to work on a one off game using the Fate system! Of course how Fate becomes as balanced as 4ed I dunno. Will be interesting to see what happens with the new DnD.

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