Alpha Legion

Posted on 9:08 PM by

Been working on some Alpha Legion space marines.

In the last few months Wanderboy picked up the Dark Angels out of the 40K start box kit of Dark Vengence. Now I have to admit I'm not exactly singing the praises of GW at the moment. Without going too far into a rant, I recognise when a company is doing what it does for the shareholders rather than the staff or the customers. Nonetheless, I do have a selection of GW miniatures floating around. I've claimed to be collecting armies on occasion, I do suffer from shiny model syndrome somewhat although one limited by a budget. Friends still comment on my Empire army which I'm almost finished painting 15 years later, all 8 Reiksguard knights of it.

I had a look though my collection of unpainted stuff and found that I had a squad of Chaos Space Marines put together. I had started painting these in an Alpha Legion style of dark blue with green layered onto it, but it hadn't been working out so I put it on the back burner. Largely inspired by Marc Raley I went for a turquoise base. I used one Vallejo game colour mixed with a metallic medium for the base colour. I then used the new GW technical paints to grim them model up a little with Typhus Corrosion, its essentially a brown wash with bits of sand in it. Next I try brushed a little Ryza Rust onto the parts where the Typhus Corrosion made layered up to give a nice rust effect. The combination makes it look like the armour has corroded and bubble with a rust. I think it came out really well! Looks pretty distinctive too.

Typical to form, these guys are unfinished. I still need to work on the last few details. I did manage to detail the hell out of the eyes though! Happy with that. I'd like to finish out the bone with another layer, a brown wash and a highlight. Complete the bits of equipment as appropriate, and add some hydra markings. Oh yeah, then sort out those bases. Eventually eh?

Yeah that banner definitely needs some work.

The mix of gear probably isn't the most effective, but they look cool!


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