Micro Art Studio Garage - In progress 3

Posted on 10:12 PM by
Update! The building is complete.

Fully assembled and sprayed!

From the last update I needed to work on the extra parts. Simple enough, the same procedure as before. Spray all the parts and get them ready.

Parts being sprayed

The above selection are the extra layer of parts that snap on over the main structure. These kinda are the key to the whole MAS look.

Parts already sprayed

Next up assemble everything. For the most part everything went smooth. In a couple of occasions I had to reassess as I'd placed the wrong part on (or the right part the wrong way). Not a mistake to make as these parts snap on pretty tight, but I was lucky. Again trimming the joints is important as the joins are quite tight. 

For the remaining parts, the roof, the ramps, and the garage doors; I assembled them all and then sprayed them after. It worked pretty well and probably saved me some time. Looking at the whole affair I think I might try the next building as a single simple build with a big spray after rather than this part by part approach I currently have. It wouldn't have the layering across different elements, but it would speed things up. Would be good to test the different approaches.

When attaching the ramp I ran into a problem, the section to join is quite tight and needs a good push to fit flush. Unfortunately, when doing this the join broke on me. Luckily, as I was planning on using the pavements this part actually needs to be clipped as the pavement requires the ramp to be flush. The parts to the sides will probably need to be trimmed to make it level, but I haven't gone there yet. The other approach I guess would be to clip the pavement to make the room in that, not really the preferable option.
Broken join

There also is a lot of touching up to do. Any visible wood needs to be painted. Sections need contrast to make things look a bit better. Arrows in yellow maybe? I also missed a few small of the wood parts for the ladder, I figured it would be easier to touch up rather than going through the whole spray affair.

Parts not painted yet

The setup for the building is pretty cool. The garage door can be pulled up and out to open up the door. Might add some in-game fun. I'm planning to redo the garage doors in some sort of contrasting colours. Maybe something bold like a red or maybe just a black to contrast.

Open garage door

So, a bit still to do. I've started on the pavements. Hopefully by next week I'll have good looking set of pictures showing the full set up with both buildings, pavements, mantic mats, and minis.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. After this I fully completed the pavements and found... that the building still wasn't tight enough to fit within the pavements, so it sits just a little above it. Kinda frustrating but it doesn't effect the overall.
