Finished Janissary

Posted on 10:40 PM by
Just coming up to the end of the weekend and I finished this model off!
Todays experiment really is to see whether I should varnish before or after I apply the grass. Varnish goes on tomorrow, we can learn then. Very happy with how this turned out, as I mentioned before a wonderful model to paint. The majority of the model was covered with a base, a wash and two highlights.

As you can see the liquid green stuff worked pretty well. Took some patience and a good few layers. One draw back was that it wouldn't take a pattern too easy (I tried getting a stippled pattern with a dry brush), instead it just layered over the below. At a close inspection it can be seen as different but you would have to look close so not a problem. Just in case I added some army painter scrub.

Now just another 5 models and I can field a 3 vs 3 demo game!
With a rate of two full days for a model, thank god Infinity doesn't require many models!

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. Varnishing over the scrub worked fine here.
    With a later model I varnished over the some of the 'normal' green flock and that ended up with little white balls on the tips almost like flowers.
