Micro Art Studio Garage - In progress

Posted on 10:19 PM by

Right, the MDF sheets arrived during the week so this weekend I got to work on the MAS garage. 
As a reminder the goal here is to get the beautiful effect that all the fancy painters have but without having a airbrush, instead relying purely on spray cans!

The first step was to separate the parts from the sprue. There were a few items where the laser hadn't fully cut so I needed to go a little bit further than just remove the tabs as before. This time around I went to the trouble of removing all the parts at once, at little risky I know, but I only have the one project in the works so all the parts can sit on my worktop.

I took a file to all of the edges where tabbed cuts had left a chunk. I also filed any of the joint connections. Hopefully, this will mean less of the connection issues I had in the previous build. I'll be doing this again after the parts are sprayed as the paint might swell the MDF slightly.

The next step is to start spraying. My first step was to apply GW purity seal, I'm sure any varnish will work. The goal here is to seal the wood so the next spray will go on clean rather than just soak into the wood.

Last time I had a lot of spraying going on, but I didn't have a mask for it which really wasn't a good idea. I did try be careful but I could tell there were issues the day after. This time I got a mask!

The approach here is to give a layered colour going from dark to light. The first layer is pure black, then I spray a dark grey leaving a bit of black at the bottom of the piece. Next a light grey layer cutting in. This adds a nice gradient effect, with the way the pieces fit together layering over each other this can create a nice effect

Another approach is to spray straight into the centre creating a kind of spotlight approach. One of the nice things about both of these options is that you can be as messy as you like, as long as there is some sort of difference and texturing it works well. 

One problem that I have found is where the piece moves, and lands on a previously sprayed part of the backing. This can result in the underside getting messed up. One approach could be to tack the items down, that would be sensible. Instead I've gone for spraying the outside part second so if it does mess up the back a little it's not such a big deal.

 Tune in next week for more progress!


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