Tau Stealth Suits

Posted on 2:24 PM by
My friendly local game store Gamers World has a box of bits which can be enjoyable to go through on a lazy day to see what treats are available. On one of my recent trips I stumbled on a number of the Tau Stealth suits without the backpack generators. A minor loss, below are the results, again keeping in theme with my Tau policy of quick and done.

So army painter red spray to start. Cathan brown for the base and any of the 'stealthed' parts. Some try brushing details and dipped. All done very quickly in some short sitting over a couple of days. I've definitely seen better versions of it but I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

You know, I wonder if getting these four guys done in speedy time has been better for my painting learning curve than any of my pretty Infinity miniatures which still aren't finished because im trying to get them perfect!


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