Once more onto the breach

Posted on 5:11 PM by

After a month of study and exams I now have some free time to get some painting done!

First up I have a Wet Palette put together from supplies stolen from the kitchen. The red has been there for a good 3 or 4 days and is still wet (although a but empty and used). Really happy with it considering how easy and cheap it was. Looking forward to being able to pack away my paints and still have the ready to go straight away next time I come back!

And with that new device I got around to finishing one out of my list of things so below we have the just 'dipped' and drying Tau battlesuit. I dab the varnish on rather than dip of course.

One of my problems with painting is that I never get around to finishing models off because I never feel they are quite finished. Theres always one more little detail that can be improved so I never quite get around to putting the varnish on and calling it a day. For the Tau, of which there are also a bunch of firewarrriors I wanted to just get them done quick and fast.

So I used Army Painter red spray, painted some quick details and dipped with Army Painter medium quick shade. These guys have already been and will again be used for my Deathwatch players to kill. Painting them just to get them done has been enjoyable and I've ignored small issues where I've strayed over lines or left details unpainted and just went with it. Results were good!

So one down lots to go! I also found extra minis I had forgotten about including a Deathwatch spacemarine who is almost finished, 20 Mantic Skeletons, an Avatars of War Vampiress to go along with them and last but not least a Chaos Terminator Lord that I've been saving to go along with the Chaos Space Marines from earlier.

Deep breaths, one at a time no problems.
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