Yu Jing

Posted on 10:16 PM by
While working on my haqqislam starter it occurred to me that without another army to play against they aren't going to do anything but look pretty. So I went out and picked up a Yu Jing starter as well. Given the excuse I also ordered some of the beautiful micro art studio infinity bases to go along with them.

Theres some green stuff at the bottom the gun needs highlighting and the holster on his right hip hasn't been touched at all. Still coming along nicely. Behind him are two more Yu Jing I've started on the bases are done but the models themselves are just under coated white. Both models have only one food on the group which makes for an awesome dynamic pose but does nothing for the staying-attached-to-the-base-ability of the model. Maybe at some point I'll pin some stuff.

The important thing is progress is being made! I've also started on two of the haqqislam Ghulam which are coming along nicely. I'll update later when I'm happier with them.


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