Things to do

Posted on 9:08 PM by
So... I have a bundle of models I need to work on.
Very little time and incredibly bad focus.

Most recently I picked up the Haqqislam starter pack for the wargame Infinity following from the BeastsOfWar week of infinity.

I also have a troop of chaos space marines that need painting for an upcoming session of Deathwatch. Once I have that done I get get around to popping open the absolutely gorgeous chaos terminator lord!

For the same Deathwatch game I have a squad of Tau firewarriors completed who also need a battlesuit to go along with them. At the moment he has one layer of red spray on him. Needs another layer to get a proper foundation and then some details picked up. Some happy quick dipping and he will be good to go. Doesn't need to be perfect but does need to get done.

Then there is privateer presses Hordes

I have one pureblood primed and ready to paint. At this point he might have some dust as its about a year since I put that model together.

I also have a squad of Druids who only have cloaks done in black and nothing else.

Good lord. SOO much to do.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. Three out of the five above have been completed! Not bad.
