Prep work

Posted on 3:51 PM by
Right, same day and two posts. Crazy I know.
The next project to tackle are the Haqqislam models.

THE painter for Infinity models is Angel Giraldez who does some fantastic work. As I wanted to achieve something close to the colour schemes on the official website I spent some time tracking down what Angel had said about some of the models he has painted and came up with the following list of paints to pick up.

** Greens **
86 70.823 alem cam. luftaffe
79 70.587 golden olive
20 70.845 sunny skin tone
89 70.975 military green
?? 72.035 dead flesh

** Brown **
123 70.847 dark sand 70%
142 70.873 US field drab 15%
133 70.874 cork brown 15%

** Arab skintone **
Dark flesh(GW) 20%
?? 71.032 goldbrown 60%
21 70.860 medium fleshtone 15% 
13 70.858 ice yellow 

Purchased! While I was out and about I also found the following which was intriguing and I just had to pick up.

I've heard people in passing saying good things about it (and bad things about it too). Should be fun as long as I remember to keep the pot closed so it doesn't dry out. Not being a connoisseur of fine paints I personally really like the Vallejo pots above all else! I'd love for GW to move over to a squeezy bottle. Anyway, I'll try out the liquid green stuff myself at some point and will post some pics.

The Haqqislam models were tidied up, cleaned and washed before I put them back in their box a year ago.

And I also picked up some desert bases to along with them from secret weapon. Yes I know desert bases aren't exactly the cream of the crop for resin bases and hardly seem the effort compared to the standard way of basing with sand but I figured I should go the extra bit.

I also picked up the following, some spend casings that look like they will go quite well with the look of the Ghulam models. Again over the top but hopefully should inspire me to put the extra effort in.

Now all I have to do is, you know... paint!


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