Christmas holidays

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Another large break, almost a full year, and I managed to get some free time and the will to work on some more miniatures. The focus this time was on some Hordes miniatures for the circle orboros faction.

First up some Druids. When I got to them they were white with brown tunics. I had some fun with the metallic bronze areas which I painted gold and then washed over with a thinned green this took the red out of the colour and shaded in the recessed areas. It didn't quite work as hoped and eventually dried into the edges of the recesses rather than settling across it. No big deal still looks good.

Typically to me these figures are not finished, I haven't completed the faces which need details like eyes and mouth painted, the basing needs some flock which I'll do after varnishing. The weapons  were a simple brown wash over the white which ended up looking quite well. In theory I should look at it in more detail to see what can be done.

Full squad of 6. These are ready for fielding on battle, and indeed have already fought in two battles which is really bad of me as they haven't been varnished.

Leader of the unit. If he gets killed another guy lowers his hood and reveals more red hair!

As can be seen its a little messy but the important thing is it has been done and it looks good on the board! As before with the Tau I need to focus on finishing things, just a few more bits of detail and I should call this done mistakes and all. Maybe just get the eyes and mouths done then varnish?

This was the other addition to the army going from scratch. The first thing I did was wash the entire model with a sepia which was later highlighted up with whites to give the fur. Worked quite well but on reflection I might have been better going for a black wash as with the leather the model has ended up very brown. The leather caused me some difficulty as I started with too dark a brown and had difficulty lifting the highlights out. Compared to how I did the cloaks for the Druids above with a grey washed down to black and then highlighted with blue I much prefer that version.  Mental note start light and wash dark. 

The metal again was done by painting gold and washing green, in this was dark angels green which gave a more striking green. I was very very messy with this and green ended up across some of the highlight areas as well as in the recesses however I still think it looks good and am very happy with it!

One thought was to try a glow in the hands of the pureblood or druids with an ice blue going to white tips to show a kind of supernatural power. Again this guy needs varnishing and flocking. Need to get with the finishing.

Next up in the lime light is my Haqqislam starter. The plan today is to head out to pick up some more paints specifically for them and get them close to started. I'll work on finishing the above models and varnishing them over the weekend. This evening I'll be talking the Circle out for a battle against some Everblight. The real trick for me is channeling my focus and reading and obsessing about what I need to be doing. In this case I've spent a lot of time reading Hordes books and forums which I found helped me actual get the painting done. Similarly for my Haqqislam models I'll need to read lots of infinity and focus on that.

Of course after a long break I have work starting up again on Monday and I've started back into college again from last Wednesday evening both of which have reading and workload to consider. Always the way. I guess as a painter I should be taking a tip from writers and other artists who assign time to the task and stick to it. Ultimately time management is the way to go!

2 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. On review of the pureblood the Privateer Press version of it is much whiter on the fur! I might try brighten it up.

  2. Ready or not, everything varnished!
    At some point need to get back and add foliage to the bases.
