Mantic mat with Micro Art Studio buildings

Posted on 10:59 PM by
Not much progress for me this week but I did want to put something up. My local gaming store had some of the Mantic games mats available. I had searched around and saw one or two people using the mats with Infinity, but no one had matched them with the Micro Art Studio buildings. 

The new mat in action

Honestly since I'm using the footpaths the whole thing might look at bit better with a full black board to mirror tarmac. Nonetheless, the mats were 50% off so I said what the hell. It looks good! The extra detail is a step up form the mottled grey cloth I had been using. The mix of hexes and squares is a bit strange, but I'm happy with it.

Need more mats and more buildings!

Unfortunately, two mats combined give me a 4 foot by 2 foot area, so I need to go find another two mats before I get started. Luckily I have time. Having the building out gives me a decent idea the amount of scenery required to make the whole thing look good. Horrifically 9 elements in total looks like the right number. That said not all needs to be a micro art studio building so I'll see how that works out.

On the painting table at the moment are some crates and scatter scenery, some of which can be seen in the above pictures primed in grey. Once they're done they'll be a bit more colourful and will add more of the Infinity feel to the scenery.

Spartan scenics warehouse accesories 

I've also ordered a few more bits and pieces to get working on the next building. A MAS garage! I popped a quick email out to the MAS guys to check if the footpath for the D5 building would work with the garage, I was a little worried the ramp would interfere. They responded with "Yes, the parts are interchangeable." which might mean it will all be kosher or might mean they misread my question and didn't see the part where I said pavement.

Newly ordered garage

Lots to look forward to working on it. Along with it was also ordered pavements for the district 5 building which should be the right size for it (assuming the ramps are okay). Also in the order were some of the holo ads

This should go a good way to fill out 1/3 of the overall board once its all together.

2 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. Unfortunately, the Holo Ads were out of stock, so I had to go without. I'll definitely be snatching them up next time I get a chance.

  2. On a side note. Infinity doesn't allow premeasuring, personally I like premeasuring. The Mantic mat squares are 3 inches so it's relatively easy to judge ranges using the squares although they won't be precise. Without the mat other scenery can be used as a guide, the MAS buildings for example seem to be based around 5 inch by 5 inch squares. Whoever owns the scenery being used could work out the full details and use them as an advantage.

    My point is, I see the squares as a bonus. I prefer the idea that all my troops measure distance accurately and know what they're doing.
