
Posted on 12:00 AM by

This week in the post I received a bundle of Warsenal scenery. Two of small island, two of their garbage container, two of their tech console, and a set of their square planters. Over the last few days I spent some time putting a few of them together.


A little tidier, as you can see I couldn't wait and the island is already complete

The first model one I assembled was the small island pack. Everything came out of the sprues easily and without needing any tools. Some minimal filing could have been useful but wasn't necessary. For some reason I have yet to determine Warsenal also use a plastic sheet for some of their stuff. I guess it might be good when they want a thinner sheet to work with? I'm honestly not sure. In this case the planter in the middle has a plastic surround with some nice detail on it. The back and seat of the benches are from this material. Delightfully there were also two bonus elements included, one a dataslate and the other a brief case, very very nice. Might be good for a mission to capture, otherwise it just makes for nice detail.

Finished small island

And from the side

Some detail on the extras

Next up I had a look at the garbage container. This one wasn't as obvious to put together and I was a bit bewildered at first. There are no instructions included however, there is a handy link to http://youtube.com/warsenalgames which has videos for everything. I was a bit caught off guard at first, but it was a really good move. Unlike the MAS stuff you definitely have to use glue for these. On the other hand, the joins are not as tight and I never felt like I was going to break anything.

On the sprue

In a pile

All together!

and the side

This is just big enough for a trooper to climb in and use it as cover

Out of all of them I was probably most excited by the Tech console. Having some neon plastic as part of the scenery is really frickin cool. As the store I got them from didn't have any other colour I went with the orange! I suspect it will look a little better once the wood is painted and it has a better contrast.

As arrived

The contents

The finished product

After these pictures I removed the plastic
The plastic can be easily removed and replaced when needed
So far thats one of everything except the planters, which essentially are the same as the center of the island but more of them. For those I would like to be able to get my hands on a few more blank islands but that will have to wait. I left the benches unglued to the base to keep painting easy. I'm hoping to use some of that rust effect paint from GW on the garbage containers to try get an effect similar to how the Warsenal guys painted it on the cover.
Everything so far.

So far, 2 buildings, 3 2x2 mats, all the warsenal stuff above, and contrainers from mantic and spartan games. Lots of clutter. Next up will probably be another mat and another MAS building. Although looking over my minis maybe I should give them a little more love too!


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